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TiredI have to say sometimes I’m just tired.

Tired of overseeing everything which meets the public’s eye.

Tired of providing about 95% of the content people read on a daily basis on TGG.

Tired of cleaning up messes someone else left behind.

Tired of being as honest as I possibly can be while taking a shellacking on other forums or websites for that honesty.

Tired of taking even a millisecond to worry about what anyone thinks on a website other than our own.

Tired of explaining to people why, or why not, something they want on the website sees the light of day or doesn’t.

Tired of having to police spam 24/7.

Tired of publishers bitching about reviews they received.

Tired of having publishers bitch about why they didn’t receive a review.

Tired of being inundated with Kickstarter crap our audience and I really don’t care about.

Tired of being asked to provide reviews of anything not ready to be sold to the public.

Tired of people believing I’m some sort of “bad guy.”

Tired of people thinking I’m a pushover.

Tired of people believing I’m a sell out (The worst!!!)

Tired of having to devote the less than infinite time I have to TGG to things which really don’t matter.

Tired of seeing yet another night go by where I could have been posting new content sucked up by back end stuff which goes nowhere.

Tired of defending our place in the great scheme of things.

Tired of people trying to tell me what the great scheme of things may be.

Tired of emails sent by second graders or at least those who write like them.

Tired of know it alls.

Tired of know nothings.

Tired of people unwilling to stand up for what they DO know.

Tired of people who always say we’re wrong.

Tired of people who always think we’re right.

Tired of “professional game reviewers.”

Tired of “amateur game reviewers.”

Tired of anyone who thinks they are a “gaming expert”

Tired of expectations from people who never take up the mantle of doing what we do.

Tired of defending TGG to gamers who don’t get it.

Tired of worrying about social media.

Tired of people who want TGG to be all one thing or the other.

Tired of keeping the website alive from month to month.

Tired of scrambling to keep an even keel.

Tired of anyone who thinks this is just a flash in the pan.

But mainly I’m tired of people hoping The Gaming Gang is going to somehow fade away and leave reviewing things to the so-called “professionals.”

Or, in other words, I’m really not tired; nearly three years in and I’m still raring to go – as are the people involved in the site – so we aren’t going anywhere!

We’re just getting started kids!!! I hate to break it to anyone but everything before this post has been the audition for the main event.

If anyone doesn’t like that? Go suck it! 😉



1 Comment

  1. We´re not going anywhere Randal. Someone took a shot across our bow – we get that a lot actually – but this time around it was completely expected from someone previously affiliated with TGG. Unfortunately nights like this I have to devote energy better suited to getting your DH Tarzan review in front of the public to reassuring this person is no longer representing our website regardless of how they want to puff their feathers in their latest endeavor. And that´s why I hate this kind of stuff… We should be getting posts in front of our audience as opposed to having to deal with reinforcing relationships with companies we have great relationships with because some numbnuts wants to misrepresent their affiliation with TGG.


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