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12 Realms: Dungeonland (MAGE Company)MAGE Company is following up their successful Kickstarter for 12 Realms: Dungeonland with a late pledge through Game on Tabletop. The dungeon crawler provides for an ongoing campaign as characters from your favorite fairy tales band together to defeat a growing evil. 12 Realms: Dungeonland is for one to four players, ages 13+, and plays in around 45-90 minutes. You can get in on a late pledge for the game, which includes 46 miniatures, for $95 through March 11th.

From MAGE Company:

12 Realms: Dungeonland is a dungeon crawling game for 1-4 heroes. Players take on the roles of famous folklore characters, like Red Riding Hood and Prince Charming, each with unique abilities. They venture across famous tales to stop great villains that have been turned by dark magic, changing the tale’s endings and casting the realms into eternal darkness. Our heroes will travel through many tales to gather clues about the source of this mysterious evil. They will fight for their lives using a unique combat system that features a set of custom dice.

12 Realms: Dungeonland Components (MAGE Company)Through these adventures, the heroes will gather experience, hone their skills (and, acquire new ones using an innovative skill-tree system), collect gold, and discover powerful artifacts to aid them against the foul magic that has spread throughout the lands. Impassioned explorers will encounter strong villains and their minions served up by an A.I. system that allows them to react to certain circumstances and utilize amazing abilities that will challenge even the mightiest and most resourceful.

This standalone game, 12 Realms: Dungeonland, expands the fairy tale world with a dungeon-crawling game. Powerful magic has mutated the lands of the 12 realms, invading their tales and attempting to change them forever.

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