Cubicle 7 Entertainment has a special bundle for Adventures in Middle-earth running on DriveThruRPG. Through the end of May you can snag the AiMe Player’s Guide, Loremaster’s Guide, the Rhovanion Region Guide, and Wilderland Adventures – in PDF – for a grand total of $29.95.
From Cubicle 7:
We’re running a special Adventures in Middle-earth bundle deal at DrivethruRPG. It includes the two core titles – The Player’s Guide and the Loremaster’s Guide as well as the first two supplements: Rhovanion Region Guide and Wilderland Adventures. This gives you everything you need to start adventuring in Middle-earth using the familiar 5th edition OGL rules!
The special bundle is just $29.95, and gets you $70.36 of PDFs, a savings of $40.41!