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Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm Kickstarter
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Category: Gaming News

The Bulge Comes to Memoir ’44

Days of Wonder has announced an upcoming expansion pack for Richard Borg’s Memoir ’44. It’s December 1944 and the Germans are about to embark on

AEG’s Imperial Histories Contest for L5R

Although we haven’t really covered RPGs here on TGG (we will, along with miniature games to a small extent in the near future) but I wanted to share a news release Todd Rowland, the Senior Brand Manager over at Alderac Entertainment Group, sent along to me earlier this morning. If you’re into the Legends of the Five Rings RPG this seems like a pretty interesting contest!

A Gate Opens in Roseville: Arkham Nights 2010

As some of you may be aware, I am a huge H.P. Lovecraft fan. That is why I was excited to learn of the Cthulhu Mythos weekend planned at the Fantasy Flight Games event center in Roseville, MN next month.