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Category: Tabletop Gaming

Recreating the Masters: A Sneak Peek at Pastiche

Coming soon, from Gryphon Games, is Pastiche. The object of the game is to collect as many victory points as you can by completing numerous classic paintings by the European masters.

Free Hippos!

Hasbro is offering a $5 off coupon for many of their games, Including Hungry Hungry Hippos!

Numbskull Games Announces Bullfrog Goldfield

Numbskull Games has announced work on their new game, Bullfrog Goldfield, a stock trading game set in the last great North American Gold and Silver rush in Nevada in 1905.

New Releases to Hit from Eagle and Gryphon

Just in time for the holidays, Eagle Games and Gryphon Games is releasing two new expansions (one for Defenders of the Realm and one for Railways of the World) and a reprint which should be available as of this writing.