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Category: RPGs

Studio 2 Taking Preorders for Wolsung RPG

A new steampunk inspired RPG is on the horizon from Studio 2 Publishing which promises action and adventure in a cinematic setting. Adding fantasy elements

TableTop Episode Eight: Fiasco

The latest episode of  TableTop is out, courtesy of Geek & Sundry, and the game Wil Wheaton and his gang tackle this time is the

Deadly Sins Aren’t Very Deadly?: ‘The Deadly Seven’ Reviewed

The Deadly Seven is a modern horror campaign designed to be run using the Savage Worlds, d20 Modern, or True 20 systems. The Game Master can choose to run the interconnected stories as a campaign or as standalone scenarios within a current group’s ongoing adventuring.

Mistborn RPG Softcover Available in July

Crafty Games says that the softcover edition of their Mistborn RPG Game, based on the Mistborn novels by Brandon Sanderson, will be available in mid-July

Free RPG Day is This Saturday!

This Saturday, June 16th, is Free RPG Day at participating retailers across the globe. Along the lines of Free Comic Book Day, Free RPG Day