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Category: TGG Media

New Video Preview of Dust Warfare

Miniature gamers and fans of Dust Tactics have been waiting for the release of Dust Warfare – which will take the Dust units from the

Do You Remember Forbidden Planet?

The news about the Forgotten Planet game coming this month from Rio Grande got me to thinking about the movie Forbidden Planet. I’m not old

Wil Wheaton's TableTop

Wil Wheaton Launches TableTop Today

The new YouTube channel Geek & Sundry has launched and today brought along the first episode of Wil Wheaton’s TableTop. The first episode hit today

New Trailer for Total Recall Premieres

Most of the talk regarding straight science fiction flicks this Summer has been revolving around director Ridley Scott’s Prometheus but, as was teased last week,

Wrath of the Titans this Weekend

Out of the blue and off the radar, Wrath of the Titans is opening this weekend. The movie is a sequel to 2010’s Clash of