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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild

There was already the January New York  Times interview with George Lucas in which he stated he was retiring and wouldn’t be producing any more Star Wars films. In the interview, Lucas said, “Why would I make any more when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?”

I’d pointed out before the changes George makes to his films are completely up to him; they are his movies after all. Yet, I just don’t have to watch or buy the new editions so I don’t see any point to get overly worked up about Darth Vader crying “Nooooooo!” or things of that like.

Now one of the ever trolling paparazzi for TMZ has shared a video he shot of Lucas, leaving a restaurant, where the filmmaker states he’s sticking to his guns as to what he told the Times.

I did notice, just as Lucas closes the car door, he almost cracks a smile so maybe there’s a little something he’s not telling us? Then again, I could certainly understand his reluctance to produce any more big screen Star Wars projects after enduring the many slings and arrows from some members of the SW fan boy nation.

Jeff McAleer

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