Gaming NewsTabletop Gaming

A Sky Full of Spies – FFG to Rerelease Mad Zepplin

Fantasy Flight Games announced today that they will be republishing Mad Zepplin (last seen from AEG Games), a fast-paced card game of treachery and treason for 2 – 6 players. Set aboard an armored zeppelin, flying high above an Empire governed by a corrupt tyrant, players will take on the roles of enemy agents working to undermine the Emperor by stealing the airship’s precious cargo.

As there is no honor among thieves, the traitors are trying to thwart each other in addition to the Emperor. Along with searching the hold and looting the ship’s safe, you can also steal from the other players, even eliminate them from the round, or use different traitors’ special abilities.

From FFG:

The Empire grows fat from the wealth of its distant colonies and a corrupt tyrant rules it with an iron fist. The armoured zeppelin Nostria is on its way home to the imperial capitol, its hold filled with precious cargo. The Emperor has hand-picked a team of his most loyal subjects to guard it. Little does he know that the ship has been infiltrated by enemy spies bent on undermining the Empire by stealing the cargo and throwing it overboard to henchmen on the ground below. The spies are dedicated not only to undermining the Empire, but also each other. Which spy will achieve this goal the fastest?

Jeff McAleer

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