Here’s what Todd wrote:
Hi All!
In the summer of 2011, AEG will release The Imperial Histories, a sourcebook for the L5R RPG 4thEdition. The Imperial Histories is a new and unique format for a sourcebook, as it presents individual chapters covering ten separate eras in Rokugan’s history, with all the information a GM would need to run a campaign in that era and all the mechanics a player would need to play in it. Currently planned eras include:
- The Dawn of the Empire
- The Era of White Stag
- The War of Spirits
- Heroes of Rokugan: Champions of the Sapphire Throne
- The One Thousand Years of Darkness
(Yeah, we thought that last one might get your attention.)
Perhaps the most interesting thing about The Imperial Histories, however, is that we only have nine eras specified (one of which, by the way, has never been seen before in any official storyline). The tenth one? Well, one of you is going to give it to us.
During the month of October, the L5R RPG 4th Edition Design Team will be accepting proposals for an era or setting to be depicted within The Imperial Histories. This chapter will include fiction, a timeline, prominent heroes, and mechanics, just like all the other chapters. The setting can be at any point in Rokugan’s past, present, or future. (Don’t get too ambitious, though; Shawn and Todd would love some Rokugan In Space! action as much as the next guys but it’s not going to happen any time soon!) Your proposal should be no longer than 2,500 words at the very most. Shorter is probably better but some ideas refused to be contained. The winner will be announced no later than November 22nd, which is when writing on The Imperial Histories is scheduled to begin.
This is perhaps the most significant opportunity for a fan of the role-playing game to impact the canon setting of Rokugan that has ever existed. This is the chance for one of your visions of Rokugan to become reality. Make the most of it!
Email your entry to with the subject line “L5R Imperial Histories”. If you do not include that subject line, the entry may not be accepted. One entry per person. All entries are due by October 31.

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