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Iceland Kickstarter
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A new WWII themed sourcebook for the popular zombie roleplaying game All Flesh Must Be Eaten, from Eden Studios, is now up for funding on Kickstarter. In Band of Zombies, the undead apocalypse strikes in the midst of World War Two and the sourcebook brings to life (or would that be unlife?) this setting for players to experience more than what would normally be considered the horrors of war. In just a couple of days, Eden is already more than halfway to their $5000 funding goal!

From Eden Studios:

“We few, we rotting few, we band of zombies; For he today that eats his flesh with me  Shall be a zombie; be he e’er so vile…”

…a grayish blur launched from the shadows. Alexei went down quickly, his throat torn out in one swipe of a black claw. He clawed at the gaping wound in his throat, gurgled, and lay still.Yuri fired a shot, point-blank range, into the thing’s head. It hit the ground and twitched, then lay still. A low growl came from the shadows and three more of the monsters lumbered forth. Movement to Yuri’s left drew his gaze; the creature he’d shot was sitting up, black blood pouring down between its eyes. The four creatures closed in just as the booming roar of a renewed German shelling attack sounded in the distance.

Yuri began to scream.

Band of Zombies is the new World War II sourcebook for the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG, and it is positively packed with new surprises. Inside you will find:

• New Qualities, Drawbacks, Inspired Miracles, and Zombie Aspects

• Detailed Rules for Dogfighting and Naval Combat

• Rules for Shell Shock, Combat Stress, and Madness

• New gear, from guns to aircraft to naval vessels to tanks

• Mass Combat rules

• The first (optional) tactical miniatures skirmish rules for the Unisystem!

• The first complete and detailed campaign setting for All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Different types of Zombies the world over, all tied to the exact same Rise Event, create a worldwide plague of undead during the Greatest War.

• Advice on running campaigns in World War II, from fire teams to commando squads, to SOE operatives behind enemy lines.

• And more!

So strap on your rucksack, hoist your SMG, keep your socks dry, and for cripes’ sake, Private, don’t forget the call sign! When they come shambling out of the dark, will you stand tall or join the armies of the dead?

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