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Iceland Kickstarter
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Arkwright the Card Game (Eagle-Gryphon Games/Game Brewer)A new card game set in the Industrial Revolution has reached its Kickstarter goal for Eagle-Gryphon Games and Game Brewer. In Arkwright the Card Game, players take on the roles of factory owners during the late 18th Century as they focus on workers, goods, supply and demand. The game is for is for two to four players, ages 14+, and plays in around an hour and a half. You can reserve a copy of the game and unlocked stretch goals for a $29.00 pledge through September 3rd with an expected delivery date of June 2021.

From Game Brewer:

In the 18th century the Industrial Revolution starts. The first factories are founded by businessmen like Richard Arkwright who run the first factory for wool spinning with machines like the Spinning Jenny and the water frame.

In Arkwright: The Card Game you run a business and you will employ workers in your factories to produce and sell goods. The more workers that have a job, the more goods that can be sold – but be prepared for crises and competitors.

The game is played in 3 decades (1770/1780/1790) with 4 rounds per decade.

On your turn you play new cards to open factories & upgrade existing ones, select improvements, improve factory quality, build machines, and to employ new workers. You can also pay money to improve your stock holdings, and take out loans if you require more money for production costs.

After the card playing phase you can improve abilities by marking improvements on your score sheet.

Arkwright the Card Game Cards (Eagle-Gryphon Games/Game Brewer)Now each factory, for each type of good, will produce. The market fluctuates with demand, the demand may be lower than the value you produce, decreasing your profit. Workers in these factories must be payed, and machines operating in your play area need regular maintenance, so it is possible you will lose money instead of turning a profit. Selling enough of one good will improve your share holdings, and there are bonuses for having the highest appeal.

Lastly if you can’t sell in England you can ship goods overseas or store them for future rounds.

After the final round of decade 1790 the game ends. Players will sell all storehouse goods, reduce the number of shares they hold by the number of loans, and reduce further based on their personal shipping track. Then each player multiplies the number of shares by the value of his shares to determine score.

The player with the highest score wins.

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