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I share a bit of a how to play and review Axis & Allies & Zombies from Avalon Hill. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news from Fantasy Flight Games, Bundle of Holding, Flying Pig Games and more.

06:08 Gaming news of the day
20:00 Moving to a new time on Monday and what’s on TDD episodes this week
23:58 A bit of a how to play and Jeff’s review of Axis & Allies & Zombies

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Jeff McAleer


Personally, I found A&A&Z to be good but not great. I can't stand paper money in any game since it screams cheap production quality. Also the zombie deck cards are mighty flimsy and chip far too easily - cards were chipped right of of the box. As far as game play, A&A&Z is fun but the zombies almost feel like they're an afterthought as opposed to a major aspect of the proceedings; I would have liked to have seen the zeds have a proactive AI as opposed to just sitting in an area. If you're looking for a relatively low cost, low complexity WWII game (with zombies) you'll probably enjoy A&A&Z as long as you're not expecting too much from the design.

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