Game Title: Call of Cthulhu – A Time to Harvest
Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: Brian M. Sammons and Glynn Owen Barrass with Mike Mason and Lynne Hardy
Artists: Dan Barker, Alberto Bontempi, Alicia Cardell, Caleb Cleveland, Emanuele Desiati, Fifa Finsdottir, Victor Leza, Pat Loboyko, Ernest Mason, Loïc Muzy, Alessandro Patria, Lee Simpson, April Solomon, and Mali Ware
Genre: Call of Cthulhu 1930s adventure campaign
Year: 2022
Pages: 336 pages
MSRP: $49.99 for the hardcover (including the PDF) or $25.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
During the live stream of The Gaming Gang Dispatch, I sit down for a review of the latest Call of Cthulhu adventure campaign, A Time to Harvest, from Chaosium Inc. plus the latest tabletop gaming news from Paizo Inc, WizKids, Bandit Camp, Free League Publishing, Letiman Games, and more.
26:00 October is a big month at The Gaming Gang and a brief intermission
42:53 Jeff shares his review of Call of Cthulhu: A Time to Harvest
1:04:45 Final thoughts and review score
1:09:40 Wrapping up