Game: Call of Cthulhu – Gateways to Terror
Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: Leigh Carr, Jon Hook, and Todd Gardiner
Artists: Mariusz Gandzel, Chris Huth, and Matt Ryan
Genre: Call of Cthulhu adventure collection
Year: 2019
Pages: 88 pages
MSRP: $19.99 for the softcover (including the PDF) or $9.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the collection of introductory Call of Cthulhu adventures, Gateways to Terror, from Chaosium Inc. Is this trio of terror tales a perfect introduction for newcomers to Call of Cthulhu? Or are these adventures so minimal they’ll only appeal to the most novice gamemasters and players? You’ll find out. You can check out another opinion with Sami’s review of the PDF right here.
12:25 Final thoughts and review score
15:10 Wrapping up
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