Title: Call of Cthulhu – Masks of Nyarlathotep Slipcase Set
Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: Larry DiTillio, Lynn Willis, Mike Mason, Lynne Hardy, Paul Fricker, and Scott Dorward
Artists: Sam Lamont, Rhys Pugh, Caleb Cleveland, M Wayne Miller, Jonathan Wyke, Victor Leza, Eric Lofgren, Petr Stovik, Löic Muzy, Olivier Sanfilippo, Andrew Law, and Nick Nacario
Year: 2018
Genre: Epic Call of Cthulhu campaign
Pages: 666 pages total
Price: $129.99 for the slipcase set; $59.99 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the slipcase set of the fifth edition of Masks of Nyarlathotep from Chaosium Inc. Is this the ultimate edition of the famed globe spanning Call of Cthulhu campaign, which demands of a place in your collection? Or is this a monstrosity you’d have to been driven mad by Nyarlathotep himself to even attempt to run? You’ll find out!
18:14 Discussing volume two
26:56 The pre-gens, dice, and maps
28:53 Final thoughts and review score
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