Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: B. W. Holland, Bridgett Jeffries, and C. L. Werner with James Coquillat, and Mike Mason
Artists: Hannah Elizabeth Baker, Erik Davis-Heim, Heikki Korhonen, Alice Morelli, Alex Ngo, Riley Spalding, and John Sumrow
Year: 2024
Genre: A collection of three introductory Call of Cthulhu adventures playable in a single sessionadventure campaign set in the 1920s for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game
Pages: 104 pages
MSRP: Hardcover (with PDF) $29.99 or $14.99 for the PDF alone at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about Call of Cthulhu: No Time to Scream, a collection of three introductory tales for the horror roleplaying game. Each adventure has been designed to be played in a single session. The book arrives October 23rd.