Game Title: Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
Authors: Davis Chenault and Stephen Chenault
Artists: Peter Bradley, Jason Walton, Zoe DeVos, Alyssa Faden, Sarah “Dreamie” Walker, and Vladimiro Rikowski
Genre: Old school styled fantasy roleplaying game
Year: 2021 – 3rd printing
Pages: 368 pages
MSRP: $49.99 for the hardcover or $10.00 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I sit down to share my thoughts about the Castle Keepers Guide, for Castles & Crusades, from Troll Lord Games. The tome is chock full of ways to expand your game, give it more depth, as well as optional rules to incorporate.
21:07 Final thoughts and review score
25:23 Wrapping up
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