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Iceland Kickstarter
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CofC7thIn a surprising move Chaosium has decided to use the avenue of Kickstarter to look for funding Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. As a huge fan of the roleplaying game – I only ran the system for about 18 years – I’m interested to see what changes are in the works as Chaosium is indicating the rules will be presented in a much more user friendly way. To begin with the rules will be broken into two books: one for the investigators and the other for the Keeper. I wonder if there’ll be some brushing up on a few of the minor clunky aspects which have been around since the beginning of the system; hit points for Cthulhu as an example…

The project is already funded and there are plenty of stretch goodies for backers while the gameplan is to have the book available by Halloween of this year.

From Chaosium:

As currently envisioned, the CALL OF CTHULHU KEEPER’S RULEBOOK is a new edition of the CALL OF CTHULHU rules incorporating new options, an improved flow of combat, new scenarios, and a cleaner page layout with box and page decoration evocative of the primary period of play in the 1920s. Here are eighteen chapters including H.P. Lovecraft and the Mythos, Creating Investigators, Skills, Game System, Combat, Chases, Sanity, Magic, For Keepers, Tomes of Eldritch Lore (with over 100 tomes), Grimoire (with over 100 spells), Artifacts & Alien Devices, Monsters, Beasts & Alien Gods, three scenarios, plus a reference chapter containing Lovecraft Country, Historic Timelines, Mythos History of Earth, Sanity Quiz, Play Aids, and more. The “Skills” chapter contains full descriptions for each skill, including guidance on opposed skills, setting difficulty levels, examples of how to “push” the different types of skills, and suggested consequences for failing a pushed skill roll. The “Chases” chapter provides rules for all types of chases, whether on foot, driving a car or boat, flying airplanes, or being pursued by monsters.

We also wanted to address the players directly, and simultaneously we will also release the INVESTIGATOR HANDBOOK, intended for all players, which includes ten chapters expanding Creating Investigators with optional background packages, more than a hundred Occupations, Skills, Investigator Organizations (nine separate organizations described – The ‘Wipers’ Pals, Wrath’s Circus of Wonders, Strange but True!, The South 13th, SKT Research, Novem Angelus, Ratched’s Children, The Resurrectionists, The Society for the Exploration of the Unexplained), Life as an Investigator, The Roaring Twenties, Advice for Players, plus a references chapter. “Life as an Investigator” takes a look at investigative procedures and equipment, and also provides examples taken from the files of the Theron Marks Society.

These two books are offered in two bindings: a perfect-bound 8.5×11″ paperback format including a color cover with new cover art, black & white text, re-imagined with new illustrations and page design throughout; and hardcover copies of both books with the cover illustration laminated to boards and and finished with a gloss varnish.

We have in mind a number of improvements we can offer if we can reach our initial goal, and push beyond.

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