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Chicago Express Coming to iPhone

A Screenshot of Wabash Canonball in Development
Word is that a version of Chicago Express, from Queen Games, is going to make it’s way to the iPhone app store next month. If you enjoy owning the rails of America in your gaming you’ll definately dig this release from programmer Charlie Sheppard. Here’s what he had to say about the game:

Wabash Cannonball brings Queen Games’ popular board game Chicago Express to your iPhone/iPod Touch! Set during America’s golden age of railroads, players represent investors determined to make their fortunes from America’s great westward expansion. Outsmart the competition through clever stock manipulation and efficient use of resources to win renown as the richest robber baron of the age!

This challenging strategy game offers solo play against up to four computer opponents. Owners of the Chicago Express board game will appreciate Wabash Cannonball as a player aide, with automated calculation and charting features that increase the pace of play.

Jeff McAleer

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