Game Title: Classic Call of Cthulhu Deluxe 2″ Box Set
Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: Sandy Petersen, John Carnaham, John Scott Clegg, Marc Hutchison, Marc Harmon, David A. Hargrave, M.B. Millner, Elizabeth A. Wolcott, Bob Heggie, Ed Gore, Randy McCall, William James Hamblin, Yurek Chodak, Tadashi Ehara, Harry Henderson, Steve Perrin, Greg Stafford, Morgan Conrad, Alan K. Crandall, Gene Day, Keith Herber, Chris Marrinan, Mark Pettigrew, Glenn Rahman, John Sullivan, Tom Sullivan, Richard L. Tierney, and Lynn Willis
Artists: Gene Day, Tom Sullivan, Lisa A. Free, Steve Purcell, and Chris Marrinan
Genre: Reproduction of Classic Call of Cthulhu RPG rules and five supplements
Year: 2022
Pages: Over 500 pages combined
MSRP: The box set carries an MSRP of $119.99 (with PDF) or grab the PDF alone for $59.99
This marks the 900th review on The Gaming Gang. The Classic Call of Cthulhu Deluxe 2″ Box Set includes reproductions of the original rulebook and guide to the 1920s, Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu Companion, The Asylum and Other Tales, Trail of Tsathogghua, and Fragments of Fear. Is this a glorious flashback to the first years of the venerable horror RPG, which fans of the system want to add to their collections? Or have the years simply not been kind to these early Call of Cthulhu products? You’ll find out!
30:00 Final thoughts and review score
31:54 Wrapping up