Title: Coriolis – The Last Cyclade
Publisher: Free League Publishing
Author: Rickard Antroia
Artists: Martin Grip and Gustaf Ekelund
Year: 2021
Genre: Second chapter in a three part science fiction roleplaying campaign
Pages: 240 pages
Price: $39.99 for the hardcover or $19.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my review of The Last Cyclade, the second part of the Mercy of the Icons campaign for the Coriolis roleplaying game. The adventure book continues an epic science fiction tale begun in Emissary Lost.
Is this the second part of an epic science fiction campaign sure to blow your mind? Or is this simply a railroad leading to a finale which will leave your players feeling unsatisfied? You’ll find out!
*Note* I’ve heard Cyclades pronounced a variety of ways so I went with the singular which ISN’T the island chain…
15:57 Final thoughts and review score
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