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Cubicle 7 Entertainment has a nice slate of new releases slated to make their first appearances at this year’s Gen Con including Rocket AgeWorld War Cthulhu: The Darkest Hour, and Victoriana 3rd Edition. If you’re planning on attending the premiere gaming con you’ll want to be sure to swing by and check out the latest C7 has to offer at booth 643! And be sure to sign up for a demo of thier upcoming One Ring card game Hobbit Tales while you’re at it!

From Cubicle 7:

Rocket AgeRocket Age

“It’s an alternate history pulpy retro-sci-fi space opera planetary romance. It’s throttled up rocket packs burning radium on the long blast to the farthest reaches of the Solar System. It’s hunting thunder lizards in the upland jungles of Venus. It’s battling Ancient Martian killing machines piloted by the Deutsche Marskorps across the baking red deserts of Mars. It’s exploring the deadly skies of Jupiter under the constant threat of Europan disintegration. It’s RAY gun wielding heroes bulls-eyeing mutants in the blasted ruins of Io” -Ken Spencer, Rocket Age Line Developer

Making use of the Vortex System which powers Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space and Primeval, Rocket Age will be a hard cover book written by Ken Spencer, featuring black and white art by Jon Hodgson, Scott Purdy and Paul Bourne.

wwc_coverWorld War Cthulhu: The Darkest Hour 

The forces of fascism have overwhelmed Europe. Britain fights on desperately, and every man and woman must do what is necessary to avoid defeat.

In forgotten corners, darkness stirs. The cycles of the ancient god-things are measured in millennia, but those who serve them plot to take advantage of the chaos of conflict to advance their own schemes.

For an unlucky few, the war collides with evils out of time, and they see and learn things that humanity is ill-prepared to encounter. The truly unlucky survive, and come to the attention of a certain spymaster, code letter N, who has plans for them.

Pressed into the British Secret Intelligence Service, they are thrown into a desperate two-front war against the Axis forces and the insidious menace of the Cthulhu Mythos.

World War Cthulhu: The Darkest Hour is a World War 2 setting book for Call of Cthulhu from the multi-award-winning team of Dominic McDowall, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Jason Durall, Stuart Boon, Martin Dougherty & Ken Spencer (writers) and Jon Hodgson, Paul Bourne, Scott Neil, Scott Purdy & Steffon Worthington (artists).

You’ll need a copy of the Call of Cthulhu rules to make full use of this setting.

World War Cthulhu is a series of settings for the Call of Cthulhu RPG, initially covering World War Two, followed by World War One, The Cold War and World War Three.

Victoriana 3rd EditionVictoriana 3rd Edition

Victoriana – a world of high adventure and intrigue in an age of sorcery and steam!

The year is 1856 and the world roils in the unseen conflict between Order and Entropy. As technology marches forward the Celestial Engine moves ever faster, and all our fates grow more precarious. Now is the time to act decisively and boldly, to seize control of your destiny and impose your will upon the world.

Your adventures will take you into an alternate history infused with fantasy and esoteric steam technology. Aerostats float across the sky as noble Eldren chat with industrial Dwarfs. The Age of Magic may be long gone, but the Guild keeps its embers alive while technologists create extraordinary mechanical marvels.

Travel with the British East India Company to make your fortune in competition with Dutch merchants for control of the tea trade. Join the petty conjurers that support social revolution while the government calls on gentleman hermeticists to counter them. Explore uncharted lands and uncover relics and evils buried since the Great Flood. Follow your conscience and help the poor and powerless against those that would prey upon them. Wage war against the demons that have seduced the aristocracy and threaten to tear the Empire apart!

Victoriana offers an enormous and diverse game world deeply imbued with Victorian period feel, gothic fantasy magic and steampunk engineering. 



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