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Mothership 1E at DriveThruRPG
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Arc Dream Publishing has released the latest adventure for the horror/conspiracy roleplaying game Delta Green. In God’s Eye, the agents will investigate a series of possibly connected disappearances and deaths. The 36 page tale is available at DriveThruRPG as a softcover (with PDF) for $19.99 or in PDF for $4.99.

About the adventure:

A mathematician inexplicably vanishes from a secretive company in Reno, a company that specializes in the software that allows high-flying drones to spy on every inch of the city. She is only the first. Can the Agents recognize a pattern of killings and disappearances in time? Or will they be next to fall under the unblinking gaze of a pitiless power?

In Delta Green: God’s Eye, the Agents confront an inexorable government panopticon, unnatural revelations unleashed by the death of privacy, and the violence of desperate revenge.

God’s Eye is playable with Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, available from Arc Dream Publishing. Optionally, it makes a perfect companion to the acclaimed campaign Delta Green: God’s Teeth.

Jeff McAleer

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