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Alien: The Roleplaying Game - Destroyer of Worlds (Free League Publishing)Yesterday marked the release of the latest Alien RPG adventure, Destroyer of Worlds, from Free League Publishing. The box set contains everything you’ll need to run a tale of terror featuring a squad of Colonial Marines in search of four escaped fugitives. The set is available now for an MSRP of $33.10 or you can grab the 88 page PDF at DriveThruRPG for $14.99.

From Free League:

The mission was a manhunt, the objectives clear—track down four fugitives, recover any assets they may have made off with, and keep ‘em all out of enemy hands. Go find them on a frozen moon full of hostiles and get it done on the eve of war.

Nothing you couldn’t handle.

But what it is that these bastards stole—and how the hell it got inside them—is another thing altogether. It’s all above your paygrade, marine—but somehow you’re the one who’s got to deal with it.

Of course, now there’s an invasion fleet incoming, and there’s something else, too—something much worse. Something out there hates you—hates everyone. Something big and ugly. Something with metal teeth—and you’re pretty sure it ain’t alone.

Yeah, the mission was supposed to be a simple manhunt. Instead it turned out to be just another glorious day in the corps.

Destroyer of Worlds is a complete Cinematic Scenario for the ALIEN roleplaying game, written by sci-fi novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska. In Destroyer of Worlds, players take the roles of Colonial Marines. The scenario is designed for 3–5 players plus the Game Mother, and it’s a gauntlet of one hell after another. Expect it to take three sessions to complete. This set contains:

  • The main Destroyer of Worlds scenario book.
  • A huge double-sided map of Ariaricus colony on one side and the Fort Nebraska space elevator ground base on the other.
  • Seven pre-generated characters to choose from.
  • Custom cards for weapons, vehicles, and personal agendas.
  • Player maps and handouts.

NOTE: The ALIEN RPG core rulebook OR the ALIEN RPG Starter Set is required to play Destroyer of Worlds.

Jeff McAleer

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