Now available in print and PDF is the dystopian roleplaying game Shadow of Mogg from Manic Productions. The game, written by Panayiotis Lines, is set in a post-Brexit England where average Britons face off against the terrors of mob rule. The 90 page zine and PDF are available from the Manic Productions website for $20.75. Or grab the PDF at DriveThruRPG for $11.05.
About the game:
Shadow of Mogg is a post-apocalyptic roleplaying game set in the London underground following a catastrophic occurrence known only as ‘the event’. It uses a simple d6 system combined with group and voting resolution mechanics with a focus on survival, old school tunnel crawling and resource management.
Players take the role of mostly ordinary members of the British public, whether the oppressed proletariat, a humble baker, a nurse, a firefighter, a time traveller or the Chief Executive of RBS as they eke out survival in an underground society turned inward against itself.
The game explores the ramifications of mob rule democracy, the frailty of hope and the banality of evil, also you can play as Candle Stick Maker!
Shadow of Mogg Contains…
- A full 90 page RPG ruleset for running collaborative games within the London Underground world of Shadow of Mogg, presented in an A5 zine booklet.
- Unique voting and group resolution mechanics testing the limits of democracy.
- 37 game classes conveying the breadth of depths of contemporary British society.
- 36 custom designed random tunnel events.
- Traditional tunnel crawling procedure for exploring the London Underground.
- Game map of the london underground following ‘The Event’.
- Tools to generate events, npcs, underground station locations and encounters.
- Rules for managing group resources as well as group anxiety.