From Renegade:
Renegade Game Studios, publisher of unique board games, is excited to announce that in partnership with Oni Press, Portland’s premier independent comic book publisher, fans will have access to early convention exclusive copies of Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game! All weekend long, Oni Press will be hosting signings, selling early limited edition copies of the game, and more at their booth #1833!
Features limited edition box art available only from Oni Press!
Price: $50
Limitations: 50 units available per day, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday only.
Limited to 2 per customer.
Purchase of game includes one same-day line ticket for a signing with series creator Bryan Lee O’Malley!
Our Renegade Heroes will be teaching demos of Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game and other Renegade titles throughout the convention at Mezzanine 15AB. Stop by and say hi!