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One of the first fantasy adventures created by Frog God Games is receiving a new edition. Splinters of Faith takes players on an epic journey to stop a powerful death priest. The Kickstarter project is nearing the 200% funding mark and you can reserve a copy of the campaign in PDF for a $30.00 pledge or grab the hardcover for a $60.00 pledge through April 7. Expected delivery is this October.

About the project:

Splinters of Faith is a series of 11 linked adventures centered on stopping the return of the dread death-priest Akruel Rathamon and his undead minions. The campaign takes characters across hundreds of miles as they race to different temples to restore the broken scepter of faiths, a powerful weapon that once stopped the warlord. It all starts when some chickens go missing. But this fowl beginning might mean a foul ending for your characters. Designed for your Fifth Edition and OSR campaigns.

Published more than 10 years ago by Frog God Games, Splinters of Faith has been updated and expanded with bonus adventures, color art, revised maps, and deadlier monsters. Entire adventures have been rewritten or expanded for a new audience. Originally published as 10 separate adventures, the new Splinters of Faith is contained all in one book, with everything you’ll need to run an epic campaign.

The Fifth Edition version of the adventure is updated for the current rules. The OSR Splinters of Faith is printed using the Swords & WIzardry rules, which can be converted easily into any old school, First Edition system. 

Splinters of Faith contains 20 unique temples — both good and evil — that you can use as you like in your own campaign. The book contains one sweeping adventure, but you could easily pick and choose from these scenarios to fit your home campaign. Modify and drop these separate adventures and temples into your home-built world at will, placing the shrines in the appropriate settings. For example, there’s Abhor Brazier high in the Hollow Spire Mountains. The Monastery of World Sundering caught in the icy grasp of the Wailing Glacier. The gnoll-infested temple of Seraph in the burning Kanderi Desert. Or the Hanging Gardens of Iseleine, a temple and its magnificent garden built atop a towering column of stone. 

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