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Fantasy Flight Games is pulling the plug on the popular Android: Netrunner card game due to the expiration of the licensing agreement with Wizards of the Coast. Originally designed by Richard Garfield and revamped in 2014 the game is the flagship title in FFG’s Android lineup. After October 22nd, FFG will no longer offer any Android: Netrunner products for sale thus ending a six year run with the company.

From FFG:

In 2012, Fantasy Flight Games launched Android: Netrunner The Card Game. With innovative mechanics revised from the classic collectible card game, combined with the dystopian, cyberpunk future of the Android universe, Android: Netrunner has enthralled thousands of players over the course of its two core sets, a campaign expansion, five deluxe expansions, and eight cycles of Data Packs.

Wizards of the Coast has been a fantastic partner to us over the past six years, and we at Fantasy Flight Games are incredibly thankful to them for letting us play with the game system that they pioneered. However, as much as we have enjoyed developing Android: Netrunner, our current licensing term is coming to an end, and today, Fantasy Flight Games must announce the end of Android: Netrunner The Card Game.

Starting on October 22nd, 2018, Fantasy Flight Games will no longer offer for sale any Android: Netrunner The Card Game products, including Android: Netrunner playmats and card sleeves. Before we reach that point, Android: Netrunner still has one final stop to make: the Reign and Reverie deluxe expansion will be the final product for the game. Featuring cards for every faction, Reign and Reverie is a celebration of all things Android: Netrunner, and an appropriately climactic conclusion to the game’s six-year run. What’s more, while Android: Netrunner is coming to an end, the worlds of Android will continue to be explored, from the gritty streets of SanSan to the warring colonies of Mars, in future products from Fantasy Flight Games.

As Android: Netrunner The Card Game draws to a close, Organized Play for the game is also coming to an end. 

Jeff McAleer

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