About the supplement:
Cyberpunk RED crosses over with the indie darling video game in this beautiful DLC that dares to ask the question…
… what if the bar, VA-11 HALL-A, existed in Night City?
While not canon to either the Cyberpunk or VA-11 HALL-A universes, this DLC gives you what you need to make the video game bar canon to your Cyberpunk game, including…
- Biographies and stat blocks for Dana Zane, Dorothy Haze, Jill Stingray, and more!
- 9 new pieces of gear and cyberware inspired by VA-11 HALL-A and ready to plug into your Cyberpunk RED campaign!
- A full Drinktionary with the ingredients for every drink in VA-11 HALL-A, plus a new one for classic Cyberpunk Smash!
And best of all, this is all free! Download and enjoy, courtesy of R. Talsorian Games and Sukeban Games.