Atlas Games is releasing Cthulhu Gloom beginning tomorrow at Gen Con. The game will make it’s way to stores soon afterward. The game is a stand alone expansion for Gloom so you can take it as is or add it to your previously existing set.
From Atlas:
In Cthulhu Gloom, you control a group of Lovecraftian protagonists and guide them down a path of horror and madness to an untimely death, while keeping your opponents happy, healthy, and annoyingly alive. While your characters Gibber With Ghouls and Learn Loathsome Lore to earn negative points, you’ll encourage your opponents to be Analyzed by Alienists and to Just Forget About the Fungus to pile on positive points. When one group finally falls prey to the interdimensional doom that awaits us all, the player whose characters have suffered the most wins.
And you thought there wasn’t any more doom and despair to deal out to your Gloom opponents…