From Arcana:
Arkadia is a combined setting and players handbook for 5e – inspired by the history and myths of Ancient Greece.
The book contains 100 pages of densely packed all new Greek themed content for both Players and GMs.
12 New Class Archetypes (One for each class)
- Barbarian: Path of the Hero – Based on heroes like the mighty Hercules and Ajax
- Bard: College of the Muse – Inspired by the Muses, Orpheus, and myths of Satyr and Siren
- Cleric: Domain of Fate – Recalling on ancient Oracles and the Three Fates
- Druid: Circle of Beasts – In the image of Dionysus, Circe, and Pan
- Fighter: Hoplite – Made in the mold of classic Greek heroes like Achilles, Leonidas, and Perseus
- Monk: Way of the Gladiator – Drawing on Roman Gladiators wielding exotic weapons like a trident and net
- Paladin: Oath of Judgement – A tribute to thunderbolt hurling Zeus and kings of old.
- Ranger: Amazon – Inspired by fierce female warriors such as Artemis and the Amazons
- Rogue: Trickster – Sparked by Odysseus, Prometheus, and other archetypal tricksters who spurn the gods.
- Sorcerer: Demigod Bloodline – Created from the demigods of Greek legend.
- Warlock: Dead King Patron – Servants of the titans, themed on Ancient Egyptian
pharaohs and mummies. - Wizard: School of Philosophy – A twist on ancient Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates
10 New Races and Subraces
A Greek take on Humans, Dwarves, and Elves, including a Drow culture based on Ancient Egypt. Play the Phaedran, a monstrous hybrid race inspired by Classic Greek Monsters:
- Satyr
- Siren
- Centaur
- Gorgon
- Harpy
20 New Feats and Racial Feats
30 New Mythical Monsters
30 New Magic Items