Title: HârnMaster Edition 3.5
Publisher: Columbia Games
Authors: N. Robin Crossby and Tom Dalgliesh
Artists: Michael Codd, Eric Hotz, and Richard Luschek
Year: 2023
Genre: Gritty and realistic, low fantasy roleplaying game core system
Pages: 172 pages
MSRP: $49.99 for the box set or $39.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I kick off Small Publisher Month here at The Gaming Gang with my review of HârnMaster edition 3.5 from Columbia Games. The gritty and realistic, low fantasy roleplaying game uses a d100 system for action resolution. The system is also well known for its detailed and tactically dense combat. I provide a look inside the physical box set, which includes loose cardstock pages which make up the volume, which also require a binder, as well as a pad of character profile sheets.