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HAVOC! The Combat Card Game (Havoc Games)A new medieval fantasy melee card game has launched on Kickstarter for Havoc Games. In Havoc! The Combat Card Game, two or more players engage in not just a battle of arms but a battle of wits as well. The game is for two or more players, ages 14+, and plays in around 20 minutes or more depending on the player count. You can reserve a copy of the game for an $85.00 pledge through November 20th with an expected delivery in July 2022.

The game announcement:

When Shakespeare wrote the line, “Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war,” he never dreamed he’d inspire a new combat card game. HAVOC! THE COMBAT CARD GAME is a fast-paced card sand-dice game replicating realistic medieval hand-to-hand combat. Players take on the roles of knights, barbarians, or other warriors locked in a deadly struggle. After choosing weapons and armor, Players build decks of Combat Action Cards. These cards show what each fighter does – actions like slashing with a sword, parrying with a shield, or dodging. Players shuffle their decks, draw their hands and play their cards as a mix of attacks, defenses, and pauses.

Havoc! The Combat Card Game Furious Blow (Havoc Games)“HAVOC! balances realism and game play,” said the designer, Jason Cawley of Havoc Games. Instead of the complicated tables found in most game combat systems, HAVOC! relies on full color cards to handle details. Cards and dice rolls allow players to focus on tactics and fun. “This is the game to be desired,” said one playtester and long-time gamer, Bernd Jaehnigen. “A hardy medieval combat simulation that leaves you feeling the grit and bristle of blow-by-blow battle.”

“HAVOC! is 100% complete,” said Anthony Dale of Havoc Games. “Many crowdfunded games ask for help funding artwork, layout, and design. We finished all that work and have actually
submitted prepress files to the printer, so we’re turning to crowdfunding only to help raise funds for printing and distribution. Frontloading all the art and design work will help us deliver the game more quickly to supporters.”

HAVOC! THE COMBAT CARD GAME is designed for 2 or more players aged 14 years and older. Two players can run a HAVOC! fight in about twenty minutes. The robust combat system allows for larger fights involving multiple opponents that could take an hour or longer. HAVOC! can be played on its own or used to supplement the combat system of almost any roleplaying game involving melee combat. Everything needed to play comes in the box, including 864 poker-sized cards (over 90% with full-color art), two rulebooks, two full-color cardboard playmats, eighty eight game tokens, fifteen tuck boxes for organizing cards, and dice.

Jeff McAleer

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