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Savage Worlds Horror CompanionAn all new supplement is on the horizon for the popular role playing system Savage Worlds, from Pinnacle Entertainment. If you’d like to bring thrills and chills to your Savage Worlds campaign, you’ll want to keep your eyes open for the new Horror Companion supplement. The 144 page supplement is going to be right up Elliott’s and my alley thus allowing game masters to bring classic horror memes to their Savage Worlds campaigns this coming February.

From Pinnacle:

Take your Savage Worlds games to new depths of darkness with the Horror Companion.

With new rules for signs and portents, buckets o’ blood, ritual casting, sanity, and gear, this tome of terror is bound to spice up your creepiest settings.

The Horror Companion is designed to extend the reach of your Savage Worlds games into the most frightening recesses of gaming, but it isn’t a stand-alone product. It’s designed to work with a copy of the core Savage Worlds rules.

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