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Throwdown at the North Pole (Fabled Environments)Here’s another interesting adventure from Fabled Environments and it certainly ties into the holiday season. In Throwdown At The North Pole, Santa’s elves must defend the Pole from their hated enemies, the abominable snowmen. Luckily, the elves have a master warrior to lead them! Throwdown at the North Pole is available for both Savage Worlds and Pathfinder and you can pick up the adventure, right now, for only $2.00.

From Fabled Environments:

The workshops are closed, Santa off on his journey. But there’s no rest for the elves.

Santa’s mortal enemies, the abominable snowmen, attack each year as soon as the big man is gone. With hearts as cold as ice, they tear apart the gingerbread houses and toss theelves around, hoping to cause enough pain and destruction to ruin Christmas the following year.

But the North Pole is not defenseless. One person rallies the elves each year. One person trains with them in combat techniques and tactics. One person personally leads them in battle for one night each year to insure her husband can deliver toys to children next Christmas. That’s right; the leader of the elves is none other than Mrs. Claus, one of the most formidable holiday warriors on the planet.

This great module, written by Clint Black, is a light-hearted look at the question of what happens when Santa leaves with his sleigh and reindeer team each Christmas. Clint has provided Elf archetypes, loadouts and new weapons that will make this both fun and customizable. In addition, this module features a great new map from Fabled Environments.


Jeff McAleer

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