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Little Game Masters (Randal Hampton)Randall Hampton has a kid focused fantasy roleplaying game up for crowdfunding. Little Game Masters is a TTRPG aimed at children ages 5-9. The game is rapidly approaching its funding goal and you can reserve a copy of the game in PDF for a $15.00 pledge, or score the physical book for a $25.00 pledge, through March 30th. Expected delivery is July for the PDF and October for the physical book.

About the game:

In the  world of tabletop roleplaying games, there is a wealth of adventure to be had across different systems and rule sets. Unfortunately, there are not many options for the youngest adventurers among us. Little Game Masters is here to fill that need with a rule set built for kids 5-9 years of age.

TTRPGs are excellent tools for cultivating children’s soft skills like communication, listening, and problem solving, as well as building a foundation in simple mathematics and literacy. Playing these games with our children is an opportunity to help them grow in ways that will be beneficial for years to come.

With this in mind, Little Game Masters has been built to be easy to teach, easy to learn, and enormously fun to play. Many aspects of Little Game Masters will be familiar to veteran players. First and foremost imagination is everything. It is our goal to encourage young players to try anything, and to never be afraid of failure.

Like many other ttrpgs, Little Game Masters employs a “Game Master.” This person is in charge of running the game and helping the players tell a fun and engaging story. Whether the GM uses one of the provided adventure modules, or creates a world of their own, they will be holding the reins and ensuring the story reaches its end.

Players are the storytellers on these adventures. They will take control of one of the pre-generated characters that comes with Little Game Masters, and use their various skills and abilities to adventure through the world of Endorin, or through a world of your own making.

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