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Iceland Kickstarter
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MBT (GMT Games)The latest game release from designer James M. Day, of Panzer fame, is now arriving from GMT. MBT (Main Battle Tank) tackles the opening moves of a hypothetical World War Three fought by NATO and Soviet forces across a West German landscape in 1987. Building upon the original Avalon Hill design, GMT has upped the ante with completely revamped rules and components for this tactical level slugfest.

MBT is sure to sell out fast so get your hands on the title for an MSRP of $95.00 (or $65.00 right now on the GMT website) while you can.

From GMT:

27 September 1987

Europe’s worst fears are now a reality. For the 3rd time in the century, war erupts. A global economic crisis, strangling sanctions and runaway military spending trigger major unrest across the Soviet Union. Its leaders need to fan the flames of nationalism and scapegoat Western aggression. They see no alternative but to launch a massive invasion of Western Europe. No less than five armies surge across the border into West Germany. A coalition of German, American and British forces is braced to hold the line against the onslaught. Can they succeed? Will the sheer magnitude of Soviet forces overwhelm them?

MBT is a complete game system modeling the US 7th Army and the GSFG Soviet mechanized forces of 1987. It is M1 Abrams (105mm and 120mm armed versions) versus a whole stable of Soviet armor with their T-80s, T-72s, T-64s, and upgraded models of the T-62 and T-55. There is even M60A3s sprinkled in to balance out the US tank inventory. Bradley IFVs and CFVs mechanized units are set to take on their counterparts mounted in BMP-1, 2s and even a few 3s. Not to be overlooked, M113A2s and BTRs and MT-LBs are also set to make their appearance.

Mechanized infantry and their related weapons are in abundance, including the M47 Dragon, M72 LAW, AT-7 Saxon, AT-4 Spigot, and multiple RPG versions.

The scale is right down in the weeds with individual vehicles, infantry squads, half-squads and sections. Each hex is just 100 meters across, so it is going to be nose-to-nose action at its finest.

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