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Mork Borg Cult Heretic (Ockult Örtmästare Games/Stockholm Kartell)A new zine for MÖRK BORG is up for crowdfunding on Kickstarter. MÖRK BORG CULT: HERETIC contains new classes, adventures, monsters, and more. The project is over 1000% funded and you can reserve a copy in print and PDF for an $18.00 pledge through January 29th. Expected delivery for the physical zine is July.

About the project:

MÖRK BORG CULT (MBC) is our sub-label for selected, approved and curated MÖRK BORG content by the community. Basically, you send us homebrew stuff and if we like it and it follows our guidelines, we make some edits, art and lay it out before publishing it for free download on Digital MBC content (including that of zines like this) will always be free, but this is a chance to get some of it in high-quality print form. I mean, you can download the content for free and print it at home too if you want. 

Since a few days ago, we are also putting the submissions to MBC on pause. When we started this project we had NO IDEA we would receive as much content as we are, and since we’re also working on forthcoming books etc, we simply can’t keep up with the demand. So we close it down for a bit, until we’ve cleared the backlog, at which point we can open it up again.  

About six months ago we Kickstarted MÖRK BORG CULT: FERETORY, the first MBC zine. It was a much bigger success than we could have imagined and an unbelievable 1792 backers helped us realize the project. Since then we have received a TON of awesome content submitted to the Cult and we want to collect it into a physical zine once more. So, if you’re familiar with MBC: FERETORY, you know the drill. This is pretty much the exact same thing. Oh, and there’s also the Official MÖRK BORG Game Master’s Screen of Doom and the mysterious shrine IKHON. We’ll get to that.

MÖRK BORG CULT: HERETIC is published by Free League Publishing, same as MÖRK BORG and MÖRK BORG CULT: FERETORY was. They will handle printing, distribution and digital fulfillment.


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