Title: Mutant Crawl Classics
Publisher: Goodman Games
Author: Jim Wampler
Artists: Chris Arneson, Fred Dailey, Cliff Kurowski, Barrie James, Doug Kovacs, William McAusland, Tom Galambos, Friedrich Haas, Brad McDevitt, Jesse Mohn, Peter Mullen, Russ Nicholson, Stefan Poag, Chad Sergesketter, Jim Wampler, and Michael Wilsonketter
Year: 2017 (Second printing 2018)
Genre: Gonzo flavored post-apocalyptic science fiction RPG
Pages: 288 pages
MSRP: $39.99 for the hardcover or $24.99 for the softcover or PDF
I page through, and shares my thoughts about, the Mutant Crawl Classics roleplaying game from Goodman Games. Is this the nitro fueled, gonzo, post-apocalyptic roleplaying game you’ve been looking for all these years? Or would you be better served taking this tome down into the Tomb of the Ancients and locking it away, never to see the light of day again? You’ll find out!
25:40 Final thoughts and the review score
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