From Mythos Foundry:
“Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!” Cthulhu rises!…. Mythos Foundry is proud to bring you a Cthulhu sculpture in approximately 1/61 scale.
My goal with Mythos Foundry is to provide finely crafted miniatures, sculptures, art prints, gaming gear, and collectables. This Kickstarter will help in laying a foundation for this.
The funding of this Kickstarter will allow us to produce the model kits, miniatures and art prints. Funding will also go towards the production of a web site for Mythos Foundry.
Cthulhu is 16.5 inches to the top of his head, 21″ tall with the wings!
Sculpted by Michael Brand
Miniatures: The miniatures are in Trü 30™. Trü 30™ is approximately 1/61 (1/60.96) scale, where a six foot tall human would be 30mm to the top of the head. All the models in the Trü 30™ range will maintain the 1/61 scale to each other (Cthulhu is also in Trü 30™).
A pledge of $150 at the Cthulhu Level is an amazing deal, as the Cthulhu kit will retail for $300. All miniatures unlocked during the stretch goals will also be added free to the Cthulhu, Elder Thing, and Old Ones Levels.
The miniatures and Cthulhu sculpt will be cast by Ed Fortae at Troll Forged Miniatures.
Hi can this Big Chuthlu still be gotten? Thanks please let me know the page is not loading right sorry to ask if it’s a long gone item. Anyhow that is a cool big green guy you have there. Greyson in Va.
You’d need to contact Mythos Foundry since I don’t even know if the project funded or not.