Publisher: Super Savage Systems and Goodman Games
Author: Brian Shutter
Artists: Mustafa Bekir, Ross Hayes, Chris Carman, John De Santos, Diogo Nogueira, Łukasz Kowalczuk, Eric Webb, Paul Caprio, Michael Harmon, and Ed Bickford
Year: 2024 edition
Genre: Over the top, high octane, gonzo, 1980s-90s mash up, post-apocalyptic roleplaying game
Pages: 242 pages
MSRP: $50.00 for the hardcover or currently $10.00 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I dive in for my review of the gonzo, high octane, in your face, post-apocalyptic roleplaying game Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez – Total Carnage Edition from Super Savage Systems. The game world is a mashup of the 1980s and 1990s mixed with mutants, alien invaders, Mad Max dystopia, and more. NLotTW is built on the core of B/X and is an old-school influenced RPG yet brings a lot of new elements to the table.