Following up on the popularity of the X-Deck expansion for Agricola, released at 2008’s Spiel, Lookout Games is planning on celebrating the company’s 10th anniversary by unveiling The Legen*dary Forest Deck (Agricola Tannenbäumchendeck in German). Initially to be made available at this year’s Spiel in Essen, Germany the deck will focus on forest themed fairy tales and fairy tale characters. These 24 cards will add a new twist to your traditional Agricola experience. It looks as if The Legen*dary Forest Deck is going to be very fun and light easily incorporated into your game in the same manner as the X-Deck did previously. I’m sure that this expansion will be full of surprises!
Currently there isn’t any forthcoming information as far as distribution outside of Essen but keep your eyes peeled because I’m sure these will disappear just as quickly as the X-Deck did a couple years back.