If you aren’t familiar with Deadlands, the game originally arrived back in 1996 and became an award winning best seller; the system became the do to for horror roleplaying in the Old West. The system has come a long way and the most recent 2005 edition utilized the popular Savage Worlds mechanics. if you aren’t familiar with Deadlands now’s the perfect time to see what the fuss has always been about. On a personal note: I had many of the original Deadlands releases and the setting is a fantastic mash up of alternate history, horror, steampunk, and more!
The timeline has advanced to 1884 and the events portrayed in adventures for previous Deadlands editions are now history. The West still needs to be won and there are plenty of villains both magical and mundane to be dealt with. Can your posse help tame a wilderness filled with mystery and mayhem? Hit the trail and find out!
There are a variety of pledge levels to get you started in Deadlands beginning with the core rule book in PDF for a $25.00 pledge or in hardcover for a $45.00 pledge. These do require copies of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition in order to play. You can also go all out, with a $150.00 pledge, to receive the boxed edition featuring all the rules as well as an adventure campaign, pawns, and lots more. The project is already nearly 1000% funded and runs through May 13th with expected delivery of digital items set for this June and physical items for this November.