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A new old school adventure release has arrived from the author of Operation Unfathomable. Jason Sholtis and Hydra Cooperative bring the gonzo fantasy adventuring to the surface world with Odious Uplands. The 170 page adventure is written for Swords & Wizardry (although you can use just about any OSR fantasy ruleset) and is available in softcover with PDF for $25.00 at DriveThruRPG or grab just the PDF alone for $15.00.

About the adventure:


The Odious Uplands await! You and your brave companions, fresh from their terrible sojourn into the Underworld emerge into the untamed wilds of Stonespear Province, crushed for an eon beneath towering glaciers until a sudden thaw, and bathed in the dim radiance and ineffable influence of the Chaos Aurora! A land home to all manner of unique megafauna, vicious saber-toothed apes, Woolly Neanderthal rangers, scarcely describable entities staggering forth from the Underworld, and of course other adventurers seeking their fortunes.

ODIOUS UPLANDS is a 170-page wilderness setting designed for either standalone play or integration into OPERATION UNFATHOMABLE, both written by Jason Sholtis (The Dungeon Dozen) and featuring illustrations by the author (with help from a few talented friends).

COMPLETELY UNFATHOMABLE is for use with SWORDS & WIZARDRY and other excellent role playing games.


  • A wilderness region overflowing with opportunity for adventure: fresh PCs can loot the buried Tower of Enlightenment, waylay Underworld merchants, or join archeological expeditions to the Fossil Forest, among heaps of options. As PCs advance, they might help thwart an Underworld incursion, attempt to destroy a wanton Godling, or seek the fabled Chaos Converter atop the majestic donut-shaped peak of Mount Impossible.
  • Fort Enterprise, a fully detailed wilderness settlement whose high anti-monster walls provide reliable shelter from Mastodonian behemoths and other local terrors. PCs embroiled within must instead contend with the worst monsters of them all – human beings! Jobs posted daily! Free jolly, flavorless lichen ale!
  • Helpful supernatural entities providing blessings, prophecies, and even custom tattoos for the righteous!
  • Access to the Underworld from points known and yet to be discovered!
  • A host of unique monsters and treasures, personalities, encounters, mini-dungeons, and other challenges!
  • 170 pages jammed to excess with over 170 maps and illustrations!

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