Title: Pathfinder Adventure Path #19 – No Breath to Cry (Season of Ghosts #3)
Publisher: Paizo Inc
Authors: Dan Cascone and Eleanor Ferron, with Jeremy Blum, Dana Ebert, Joshua Kim, and Michelle Y. Kim
Artists: Rodrigo Gonzalez Toledo, Mylene Bertrand, Wilmar Ballespí Escarp, Robert Lazzaretti, Jesus Iván Nolasco Fuentes, Justine Nortjé, and Luis Salas Lastra
Year: 2023
Genre: The third chapter in the Asian horror themed adventure path, Season of Ghosts, for Pathfinder
Pages: 96 pages
MSRP: $26.99 in softcover or $19.99 in PDF
I share my thoughts on the third chapter of the Season of Ghosts Asian horror themed Pathfinder adventure path, No Breath to Cry, from Paizo Inc. The heroes learn the devastating truth behind the dire curse hanging over their home village of Willowshore. The stakes are the highest yet as the adventurers near the finale of the tale.
Thanks for the great review Jeff. Season of Ghosts is the AP I’ve always dreamed of and the more I learn about it the more I want to run it for my group.
I really like how concise you were with overviews of the chapters while still providing a good amount of detail of the main themes and breaking down the logic behind events in the AP really well. Excellent work!
Thanks Jay! I hope you enjoy the AP. I feel is one of the best I’ve seen or Pathfinder 2E to this point.