Game Title: Pathfinder Adventure Path #188 – They Watched the Stars (Gatewalkers 2 of 3)
Publisher: Paizo Inc
Authors: Jason Keeley with Ivis K. Flanagan
Artists: Olivier Bernard, Rael Dionisio, Fabio Gorla, Dariusz Kieliszek, Chris L. Kimball, Robert Lazzaretti, Ilina Naydenova, Luis Salas Lastra, and Brooklyn Smith
Year: 2023
Genre: Pathfinder fantasy roleplaying adventure path chapter
Pages: 94 pages
MSRP: $26.99 in softcover or $19.99 in PDF
Jeff shares his review of the second chapter in the Pathfinder adventure path Gatewalkers, They Watched the Stars, from Paizo Inc. Will players and GMs alike be knocked out by all the action and adventure within where they’ll be seeing stars? Or should you zip past this chapter as fast as you can, as if you were a shooting star? You’ll find out!