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Battlezoo Eldamon (Roll for Combat)The latest roleplaying supplement from Roll for Combat is available for pre-order. Battlezoo Eldamon is chock full of elemental creatures which can be collected, befriended, and trained for battle. The volume is designed for use with either 5E D&D or Pathfinder and you can preorder your 240 page hardcover (with PDF), in your flavor of choice, for an MSRP of $59.99. Expected delivery is in Q3.

About the book:

Befriend, Train, Battle, and Evolve over 160 monsters with 13 distinctive elements with Battlezoo Eldamon! Eldamon are ancient creatures slightly out of phase with reality that like to meld into items, creatures, and locations. You can add them seamlessly into any setting, allowing characters to interact with and collect them without disrupting the established adventure or requiring the GM to rebuild or change the encounters. 

As an eldamon trainer, your main focus is the eldamon you befriend and train. Unlike other characters who befriend eldamon, you can phase your eldamon in and battle any foe using eldamon. This gives you a flexible playstyle with several eldamon ready to fight, allowing you to choose the eldamon that’s right for the job and fill several possible roles depending on what the group needs moment to moment.

Inside the Battlezoo Eldamon you will find:

  • Over 160 unique eldamon.
  • Thirteen powerful elements, each with a unique playstyle, special moves, and other abilities for your eldamon to learn.
  • The eldamon trainer class befriends eldamon and phases them into reality to fight your foes.
  • The elemental avatar class embodies an eldamon and manifests its power directly through you.
  • Rules, guidelines, and tables allow you to customize the experience of adding eldamon to your game, allowing everything from a completely hands-off approach to tight integration with the story.
  • Setting information and variants to easily include eldamon into any TTRPG setting, whether they are rare or invisible to most people (explaining why no one has mentioned them before) or ubiquitous and well-known by all, the choice is yours.
Jeff McAleer

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