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Atlas Games has released two revised supplements for the 5th edition of Ars Magica. The tomes Ancient Magic and Hedge Magic expand the eldritch options for players and GMs. Each book clocks in at 144 pages and you can grab the physical books for $29.99 or get them in PDF at DriveThruRPG for $14.99 each.

About the books:

Ancient Magic

Learn from the Past: More about Ancient Magic

Throughout history, magical traditions have come and gone, their secrets and spells lost to the annals of time. However, the knowledge still exists for the magus who is willing to search. Join the Seekers in their quest to find the lost magical arts.

This book contains information on nine lost magical arts, including locations where their secrets may be found and rules to use them in Mythic Europe. Plunder graves and chthonic sanctuaries to learn the ways of Defixio magic. Seek out the Basilica of Ten Thousand Columns to find the secrets of Hyperborean magic and its hymns. Walk the cold reaches of the Mythic North in search of the Rune magic of the Order of Odin.

Hedge Magic

Magic Beyond the Order: More about Hedge Magic

While members of the Hermetic Order might like to think of themselves as the premier magical power of Mythic Europe, this is not necessarily true. Hedge magicians mingle with the mundanes, plying their trades in the universities and the villages. These disparate groups may not have the organization of the Hermetic Order, but their magical skill is undeniable.

Extensive mechanics for six hedge magic traditions allow for creation of player characters, adversaries, or allies. Shape the elements with the Apostles of Apollonius, learn the spirit traveling powers of the Nightwalkers, or cast the runes with the Viktar.

Ars Magica Revised Ancient Magic and Hedge Magic (Atlas Games)

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