Title: Rultmoork Box Set
Publisher: Adventure a Week Games
Author: Jonathan G. Nelson
Artists: Nat Damm, Kin Van Duen, Javier Arauju, Joshua Culp, Erik Davis-Heim, Tim Hibbetts, Mates Laurentiu, Grzergorz Pedrycz, Julio Rocha, and Quico Vicens
Year: 2023
Genre: Complex and complicated 5E Dungeons & Dragons adventure
Pages: 144 pages for the adventure
MSRP: $129.99 for the box set or $39.99 in hardcover or $32.99 in PDF
I share my review of the boxed set for Rultmoork from Adventure a Week Games. The 5E Dungeons & Dragons adventure if for four characters of 5th through 7th levels and they should eventually reach 9th to 11th levels by the conclusion. The tale promises to be a real challenge to even the most veteran D&D players.
No joke!
This is a extremely difficult tale to complete, and rather complex adventure to run, which could frustrate a good number of players and DMs if they aren’t prepared!